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Muszę wymyślić jak to osiągnąć te cele. începe să înveți
I have to figure out how to achieve these goals.
Nie wiem czy możemy sobie na to pozwolić. începe să înveți
I don't know if we can afford it.
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Nie mam na razie wizji jak to zrobić. începe să înveți
I have no idea how to do it yet.
Chciałem po prostu dowiedzieć się jak Ty to widzisz. începe să înveți
I just wanted to find out how you see it.
To powinno być zeobione na zasadzie wystawionych PR, które przejrzy i zatwierdzi mój zespół. începe să înveți
This should be done on a issued PRs basis which my team will review and approve.
powinniśmy dostarczyć interfejsy które umożliwią rozszerzenie lub podmianę funkcjonalności aplikacji lub integracji z zewnętrznymi serwisami. începe să înveți
we should provide interfaces to extend or substitute application functionality or integrations with external services.
czy masz kogoś w zespole kto będzie mógł współtworzyć kod w naszych technologiach? începe să înveți
do you have someone in your team who will be able to co-create code in our technologies?
gdzie ewentualnie musielibyśmy rozwinąć umiejętności waszego zespołu? începe să înveți
Where would we possibly need to develop your team's skills?
jakie są wasze możliwości? începe să înveți
what are your capabilities?
może ty masz już wizję jak mogłoby to wyglądać? începe să înveți
maybe you already have a vision of what it could look like?
myślę że poznanie ostatecznych wymagań będzie najważniejsze dla ostatecznego kształtu naszej współpracy începe să înveți
I think that knowing the final requirements will be the most important for the final shape of our cooperation
zasugeruj inny termin jeśli ten nie jest odpowiedzi. începe să înveți
suggest another date if this one is not suitable.
musielibyśmy włożyć trud w przygotowanie odpowiedniej infrastruktury. începe să înveți
we would have to put effort into preparing the appropriate infrastructure.
nie jestem pewny czy to podejście jest słuszne. începe să înveți
I'm not sure if this approach is the right one.
Musimy przyjrzeć się wnikliwie tym wymaganiom aby nic nas nie zaskoczyło începe să înveți
We need to look at these requirements in depth so that nothing surprises us
Dostarczyłeś mi cennego wglądu w moje zachowanie. începe să înveți
You provided me valuable insights into my behavior
Lektura tego artykułu naukowego dała mi nowy spojrzenie w zmiany klimatyczne. începe să înveți
Reading this scientific article gave me new insights into climate change.
podczas sesji burzy mózgów każdy miał okazję podzielić się swoimi spostrzeżeniami na temat projektu. începe să înveți
during the brainstorming session, everyone had a chance to share their insights on the project.
Jej podejście do rozwiązywania problemów jest metodyczne i systematyczne. începe să înveți
Her approach to problem-solving is methodical and systematic.
Nasz zespół zbliża się do etapu, w którym rozpoczniemy testy z użytkownikami, które dostarczą cennych informacji na temat funkcjonalności i użyteczności nowego oprogramowania. începe să înveți
Our team is about to approach the phase where we'll start user testing, which will provide valuable insights into the functionality and usability of the new software.
Termin ukończenia projektu zbliża się wielkimi krokami, więc musimy dopracować kilka ostatnich szczegółów, aby zapewnić jego sprawne wdrożenie. începe să înveți
The project deadline is rapidly approaching, so it's crucial that we finalize the last few details to ensure a smooth deployment.
Zaplanujmy spotkanie z zespołem programistów, aby dowiedzieć się o postępach w kodowaniu i zająć się potencjalnymi przeszkodami. începe să înveți
Let's schedule a meeting with the development team to find out the progress on the coding and address any potential roadblocks.
Skontaktuję się z naszymi partnerami, aby dowiedzieć się, czy istnieje jakakolwiek potencjalna współpraca, która mogłaby zwiększyć zasięg naszego projektu. începe să înveți
I'll reach out to our partners to find out if there are any potential collaborations that could enhance the reach of our project.
Naszym celem jest zwiększenie komfortu użytkowania poprzez wdrożenie intuicyjnej nawigacji i interaktywnych funkcji w aplikacji. începe să înveți
We're aiming to enhance the user experience by implementing intuitive navigation and interactive features in the app.
Naszym celem jest zwiększenie wydajności projektu poprzez usprawnienie komunikacji między członkami zespołu i automatyzację niektórych zadań. începe să înveți
Our objective is to enhance the project's efficiency by streamlining communication among team members and automating certain tasks.
Dzięki dokładnym testom i iteracjom możemy stale zwiększać wydajność i niezawodność oprogramowania. începe să înveți
Through thorough testing and iteration, we can continuously enhance the performance and reliability of the software.
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Jestem pewien, że wyjdziesz z depresji i osiągniesz wielkie rzeczy. Po nocy zawsze przychodzi dzień. începe să înveți
I'm sure you will recover from depression and accomplish great things. After a storm always comes a calm.
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Powinieneś ocenić całe związane z tym ryzyko. începe să înveți
You should evaluate all the risks involved.
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Dokumentacja medyczna pacjenta została wydana z odpowiednim upoważnieniem. începe să înveți
The disclosure of classified information led to a national security breach.
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