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utrzymywanie aktywności umysłowej dzięki rozwiązywaniu zagadek lub uczeniu się nowych rzeczy może poprawić pamięć. începe să înveți
staying mentally active through puzzles or learning new things can boost memory.
Zwykle poświęcam chwilę na relaks, próbuję wymyślić powiązane słowa lub opisuję tę koncepcję komuś innemu, aby pomóc ją zapamiętać. începe să înveți
I usually take a moment to relax, try to think of related words, or describe the concept to someone else to help remember it.
- Kiedy kłamię, mogę czuć się winny lub bać się czegoś. Świadomość, że nie mówię prawdy i martwię się konsekwencjami, może być niewygodna. începe să înveți
- When I lie, I may feel guilty or afraid of something. It can be uncomfortable knowing that I'm not being truthful and worrying about the consequences.
- **obgryzanie paznokci**: nabranie nawyku obgryzania paznokci, często w odpowiedzi na stres lub niepokój. începe să înveți
- **biting her nails**: engaging in the habit of biting the nails, often as a response to stress or anxiety.
- **gaduła**: osoba, która dużo gada, często w sposób ciągły lub nadmierny. începe să înveți
- **chatterbox**: a person who talks a lot, often continuously or excessively.
- **rozpamiętywanie przeszłości**: skupianie się lub nadmierne myślenie o przeszłych wydarzeniach lub sytuacjach. începe să înveți
- **dwelling on the past**: focusing or thinking too much about past events or situations.
- **przeklinać**: używać obraźliwego języka lub przeklinać. începe să înveți
- **swear**: to use offensive language or curse words.
- **zawsze spóźniony**: konsekwentne przychodzenie po zaplanowanej godzinie. începe să înveți
- **always late**: consistently arriving after the scheduled time.
- **zgrzyta zębami**: zaciska i zgrzyta zębami, często mimowolnie, zwłaszcza podczas snu. începe să înveți
- **grinds his teeth**: clenches and grinds the teeth, often involuntarily, especially during sleep.
- **osoba zapominalska**: osoba, która ma tendencję do łatwego lub częstego zapominania. începe să înveți
- **forgetful person**: someone who tends to forget things easily or frequently.
Praca była zajęta, ale ta wymówka wydawała się pusta, nawet tak, jak mu się wydawało. începe să înveți
“Work had been busy, but that excuse felt hollow even as he thought it.”
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utrapienie, niedogodność, uciążliwość începe să înveți
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1. Jack w zeszłym roku zaangażował się w organizację akcji na rzecz ochrony pingwinów, dlatego chcemy go nominować do nagrody za jego wysiłki. începe să înveți
1. Last year, Jack was involved in organising a campaign to protect penguins, so we want to nominate him for an award for his efforts.
Zmoczył go deszcz. Powinien był wziąć parasol przed wyjazdem. începe să înveți
He got soaked in the rain. He should have taken an umbrella before he set off.
Nikomu nie udało się znaleźć prostszego rozwiązania niż Susan, dlatego skorzystaliśmy z jej pomysłu. începe să înveți
Nobody managed to find an easier solution than Susan, so we used her idea.
Chciała skorzystać z windy, ale tego dnia była nieczynna, więc musiała skorzystać ze schodów. începe să înveți
She wanted to take the lift, but it was out of order that day, so she had to use the stairs.
Polują tam na foki, gdy zatoka zamarznie, a lód stanie się na tyle mocny, że utrzyma ich ciężar începe să înveți
There they hunt for seals after the bay freezes over and the ice becomes strong enough to support their weight
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Nie zawracałem sobie głowy spoglądaniem w górę na dźwięk dzwonka începe să înveți
I didn’t bother to look up at the ding of the bell
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natknąłem się na pewne informacje începe să înveți
came across some information
przyszedł, znów stał się przytomny începe să înveți
came round, became conscious again
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came about as a result of
Przedostają się z ulic do ścieków, do rzek, a ostatecznie do mórz, oceanów i plaż. Są nie tylko brzydkie, ale także toksyczne dla niektórych zwierząt morskich. începe să înveți
They find their way from streets to drains, to rivers, and eventually to seas, oceans and beaches. Not only are they unsightly, but they’re also toxic to certain marine animals.