what is Poland famous for

 0    12 cartonașe    hlewalska
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There is a scandal connected with Lech Walesa at the moment in Poland.
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Jest to skandal związany z Lechem Wałęsą w tej chwili w Polsce.
Poland is famous for amber
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Polska słynie z bursztynu
coal mine
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kopalnia węgla
Poland is famous for Tatra Mountains.
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Polska słynie z Tatr.
Fryderyk CHopin a famous Polish pianist came from Poland
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Fryderyk Chopin słynny polski pianista pochodzi z Polsk
The Baltic Sea is in the north of Poland.
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Morze Bałtyckie JEST w północnej czesci Polski.
Do we have famous scientists in Poland
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Czy mamy znanych naukowców w Polsce
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Curie - Skłodowska was a scientist.
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Curie - Skłodowskiej był naukowcem.
Solidarnośc won over the communism.
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Solidarność wygrała nad komunizmem.
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The symbol of Poland is a while, crowned eagle on a red background.
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Symbolem Polski jest natomiast, orzeł w koronie na czerwonym tle.

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