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jest ukazany artysta malarz jest stół naczynia z wodą pędzel i farby z tyłu duże piękne obrazy pejzaże i abstrakcje începe să înveți
the artist is shown the painter is the table dishes with water brush and paints in the back large beautiful paintings landscapes and abstractions
jest tutaj ukazany artysta w procesie twórczym începe să înveți
the artist in the creative process is shown here
drugie zdjęcie przedstawia astronautę w przestrzeni kosmicznej na orbicie Ziemi începe să înveți
the second image shows an astronaut in space orbiting the earth
z tyłu ukazana jest planeta ziemia w całej swej okazałości începe să înveți
in the back is shown the planet earth in all its glory
trzecie zdjęcie przedstawia obsługę lotniska prawdopodobnie samolot przy pomocy specjalnego ciągnika jest dokowane na odpowiedni pas începe să înveți
the third photo shows the airport staff, probably the plane is docked to the appropriate runway with the help of a special tractor
po prawej widoczny jest High Lauder oraz schody lotnicze începe să înveți
on the right you can see the High loader cargo and the flight stairs
ostatnie zdjęcie przedstawia panią ekspedientkę pracującą w piekarni. Być może jest ona również piekarzem, coś kroi dla klienta. începe să înveți
the last photo shows a shop assistant working in a bakery. Perhaps she is also a baker, cutting something for a customer.
wszystkie te zawody są bardzo zróżnicowane zupełnie inna od siebie începe să înveți
all these professions are very diverse completely different from each other
najbardziej spektakularna i robiąca wrażenie jest praca astronauty începe să înveți
the most spectacular and impressive is the work of an astronaut
to praca niebezpieczna która związana jest z różnymi licznymi zagrożeniami na pewno nie jest popularna Astronautów jest bardzo mało na świecie Myślę że ta praca jest również dobrze płatna începe să înveți
it's a dangerous job with many risks it's definitely not popular There are very few astronauts in the world I think this job is also well paid
praca artysty jest bardzo ciekawa, nieprzeciętna i nie każdy może zajmować się takim zajęciem, ponieważ wymaga dużo talentu, kreatywności i wrażliwości începe să înveți
the artist's work is very interesting and extraordinary and not everyone can do such an activity because it requires a lot of talent, creativity and sensitivity
na ogół nie jest ona dobrze płatna chyba że jest się znanym artystą începe să înveți
it generally doesn't pay well unless you're a famous artist
praca w obsłudze lotniska może być ciekawa începe să înveți
working in airport service can be interesting
ta praca Wymaga doświadczenia i umiejętności pracy pod presją czasu începe să înveți
This job requires experience and the ability to work under time pressure
trzeba znać język angielski i praca może być niebezpieczna începe să înveți
you need to know English and the job can be dangerous
najbardziej chciałbym wykonywać zawód astronauty ale tylko na krótki czas începe să înveți
I would most like to work as an astronaut, but only for a short time.
Chciałbym Przynajmniej raz w życiu zobaczyć ziemię z kosmosu i zobaczyć przestrzeń kosmiczną na własne oczy Chciałbym znaleźć się w stacji kosmicznej i postawić stopę na Księżycu to byłoby nieprawdopodobne doświadczenie începe să înveți
I would like to see the earth from space at least once in my life and see space with my own eyes I would like to be in a space station and set foot on the moon it would be an incredible experience
Wiem natomiast że pewnie nie mógłbym go wykonywać ponieważ trzeba mieć bardzo dobre zdrowie i spełniać wiele różnych wymagań începe să înveți
What I do know is that I probably wouldn't be able to do it because you have to be in very good health and meet many different requirements
jeśli chcę zmienić pracę, muszę zaktualizować swoje CV începe să înveți
if I want to change my job I have to update my CV
później próbuję szukać pracy începe să înveți
I'm trying to find a job later
gdy już znajdę ofertę pracy aplikuje începe să înveți
when I find a job offer, I apply
następnym krokiem jest pójście na rozmowę kwalifikacyjną începe să înveți
next step it is go for an interview
Kiedy zostaje przyjęty i pracuje długo Proszę o podwyżkę începe să înveți
When he is accepted and works long I ask for a raise
jeśli mam złego szefa i pracuje w niedobrej firmie tracę pracę începe să înveți
If I have a bad boss and work for a bad company, I lose my job
începe să înveți
zajmuje się zatrudnianiem nowych pracowników începe să înveți
she is in charge of hiring new employees
to była uczciwa umowa, więc oboje odeszliśmy szczęśliwi începe să înveți
it was a fair deal so both of us went away happy
zarządzanie zespołem może być bardzo trudnym wyzwaniem începe să înveți
manage a team can be a very difficult challenge
opisz, co dzieje się na obrazkach începe să înveți
describe what is happening in the pictures
pierwsze zdjęcie przedstawia trzy kobiety dwie kobiety z nich zadają pytania kobiecie naprzeciw im începe să înveți
the first photo shows three women two of them asking questions to the woman opposite them
Prawdopodobnie jest to rozmowa kwalifikacyjna. kobieta ubiega się o pracę. Dwie pozostałe kobiety sprawdzają jej kwalifikacje i doświadczenie zawodowe. începe să înveți
It's probably an interview. woman is applying for a job. The other two women check her qualifications and work experience.
Mężczyzna pisze na tablicy jakiś schematy i instrukcje prawdopodobnie prezentuję jakąś strategię marketingową podczas spotkania firmowego începe să înveți
The man is writing some diagrams and instructions on the board, probably presenting some marketing strategy during a company meeting
na ostatnim zdjęciu jest jakieś spotkanie burza mózgów ustalają nowe rozwiązania dotyczące nowego produktu promocji lub działalności firmy începe să înveți
in the last photo there is some kind of brainstorming meeting. to set up new solutions for a new promotion, product or company activity.
może być to też rozmowa kwalifikacyjna mężczyzna w niebieskiej koszuli to kandydat na nowego pracownika jest pytany o swoje doświadczenie zawodowe i swoje oczekiwania începe să înveți
it can also be a job interview. a man in a blue shirt a candidate for a new employee is asked about his professional experience and his expectations.
podczas rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej zawsze negocjuje dobrą wypłatę începe să înveți
always negotiate a good pay during the interview
najważniejsze w pracy jest przyjazna atmosfera începe să înveți
the most important thing at work is a friendly atmosphere
nie lubię w pracy korporacyjnej atmosfery începe să înveți
I don't like the corporate atmosphere at work
Lubię gdy w pracy ludzie ze sobą współpracują dla jednego celu a nie ciągle rywalizują începe să înveți
I like it when at work people work together for one goal and not constantly compete
bardzo ważne jest również dla mnie Jakim człowiekiem jest mój szef musi być dobrym człowiekiem który docenia i potrafi wynagrodzić swojego pracownika începe să înveți
it is also very important to me What kind of person my boss is. He must be a good person who appreciates and is able to reward his employee
wypłata jest oczywiście bardzo ważna ale nie najważniejsza începe să înveți
payoff is of course very important but not the most important
uważam że wynagrodzenia w moim kraju nie są sprawiedliwe începe să înveți
I believe that salaries in my country are not fair
ja pracując jako grafik 3D zarabiam 3 razy mniej niż w innych krajach Unii Europejskiej pomimo że Polska jest w uni europejskiej începe să înveți
working as a 3D graphic designer, I earn 3 times less than in other European Union countries, despite the fact that Poland is in the European Union
nie do zaakceptowania jest to że duże korporacje Zatrudniają polskich specjalistów i Płacą im dużo niższe stawki niż w swoich krajach începe să înveți
it is unacceptable that large corporations employ Polish specialists and pay them much lower rates than in their countries
ciężko jest powiedzieć ale myślę że w wielu zawodach mają te same możliwości începe să înveți
It's hard to say but I think in many professions they have the same opportunities
zarabiają jednak mniej niż mężczyźni jestem za tym żeby mieli te same prawa i to samo wynagrodzenia Jeśli pracują tak samo dobrze începe să înveți
however, they earn less than men I am in favor of having the same rights and the same pay if they work just as well