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începe să înveți
Very great in amount; overpowering. "The sheer volume of work was overwhelming."
începe să înveți
To an unusual degree; very. "She performed extraordinarily well in the competition."
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A discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents. "Quantum physics explores the behavior of subatomic particles."
începe să înveți
Participation or involvement. "The company focuses on customer engagement."
începe să înveți
A sum of money charged for teaching or instruction by a school "The tuition for the semester is due next week."
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An organized course of action to achieve a goal. "The political campaign aimed to increase voter turnout."
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Featuring new methods; advanced and original. "The company is known for its innovative products."
începe să înveți
The action of returning something to a former condition. "The restoration of the old building took several years."
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A person who instructs or teaches something. "The instructor explained the concepts clearly."
începe să înveți
The result obtained by adding several amounts together and then dividing this total by the number of amounts. "The average temperature for the month was 25 degrees Celsius."
începe să înveți
Showing or suggesting that future success is likely. "The young athlete is a promising talent."
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Difficult or impossible to understand "The disappearance of the ship remains mysterious."
începe să înveți
Able to be likened to another; similar. "The two products are comparable in quality."
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Of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else. "The discovery of DNA was a pivotal moment in biology."
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Extracted (ore or other minerals) from the earth. "The area was mined for coal."
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Briefly and clearly expressed. "The speaker gave a succinct summary of the report."
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A person who has committed a crime. "The criminal was apprehended by the police."
"She studied psychology at university." especially those affecting behavior in a given context. începe să înveți
The scientific study of the human mind and its functions
începe să înveți
Talk about (something) with another person or group of people. "Let's discuss the project during the meeting."
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A task or situation that tests someone's abilities. "The new project presents a significant challenge."
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A formal request to an authority for something. "He submitted an application for the job."
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Found (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of a search. "The scientists discovered a new species of insect."
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Overcome and take control of (a place or people) by use of military force. "The army managed to conquer the enemy's territory."
or similar purpose. începe să înveți
A society or organization founded for a religious
"Water is a molecule made up of hydrogen and oxygen." representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction. începe să înveți
A group of atoms bonded together
începe să înveți
A plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building "The architect created a unique design for the house." or other object before it is built or made.
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The action of repeating something that has already been said or written. "Practice involves repetition of the skills."
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Continuously over a period of time; always. "Technology is constantly evolving."
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A large printed picture or notice used for decoration or advertisement. "The poster advertised the upcoming concert."
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Achieve the desired aim or result. "She worked hard and managed to succeed in her career."
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A brief statement or account of the main points of something. "The report includes a summary of the findings."
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"The artist received a commission to paint a portrait." or duty given to a person or group of people.
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Faucets; devices for controlling the flow of liquid from a pipe or container. "Turn off the taps to conserve water."
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The person who leads or commands a group "The leaders of the company made important decisions."
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The art or practice of designing and constructing buildings. "The city is known for its impressive architecture."
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Relating to or characteristic of the way in which parts or elements of something are arranged. "The painting's compositional elements were carefully arranged."
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Given prominence as a prominent item. "The magazine featured an article about the new technology."
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Kept specially for a particular purpose or person. "The table was reserved for a special occasion."
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Considered in relation or in proportion to something else. "The cost is relative to the quality of the product."
or cultural artifacts. începe să înveți
A building or institution dedicated to the preservation and display of historical
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"The storm caused massive damage to the city."
începe să înveți
Able to be transmitted from one person or organism to another. "Some diseases are communicable through contact."
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Damaged by prolonged use. "The old book was worn and faded."
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The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. "His character was admired by his colleagues."
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Notice taken of someone or something; the regarding of someone or something as interesting or important. "The teacher asked for the students' attention."
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Causing or likely to cause harm. "Smoking is harmful to your health."
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A feature or quality belonging typically to a person "The characteristics of the plant help identify its species." or thing and serving to identify it.
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A change that is a consequence or result of an action or other cause. "The medication had several side effects."
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Go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or escort. "She was accompanied by her friend."
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Make or become deep or deeper. "The river tends to deepen during the rainy season."
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Taking and using something belonging to someone else with the intention of returning it. "Borrowing books from the library is a great way to save money."
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Connected with or related to. "The symptoms are associated with the illness."
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Create or design (something that has not existed before); be the originator of. "The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell."
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Provide lodging or sufficient space for. "The hotel can accommodate up to 200 guests."
"Smartphones are common electronic devices." especially a piece of mechanical or electronic equipment. începe să înveți
A thing made or adapted for a particular purpose
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Operated by automation; converted to automation. "The factory uses automated machinery."
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"The food label shows the number of calories in the product."
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A platform or compartment housed in a shaft for raising and lowering people or things to different floors. "Take the elevator to the tenth floor."
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The fact or state of being independent. "The country gained its independence in 1947."
"The king was crowned in a grand ceremony." especially in a ceremony to mark them as a monarch. începe să înveți
Placed a crown on the head of (someone)
începe să înveți
The process of testing a hypothesis or theory through controlled experiments. "Scientific research involves experimentation."
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"Beans and peas are examples of legumes." or other edible part of a leguminous plant used as food.
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A glass building in which plants are grown that need protection from cold weather. "The greenhouse provides a controlled environment for growing plants."
"The atmosphere contains various gases." irrespective of its quantity. începe să înveți
An airlike fluid substance which expands freely to fill any space available
începe să înveți
Placed or hidden underground. "The treasure was buried in the sand."
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A scientist who studies or observes celestial bodies. "Astronomers use telescopes to study stars and planets."
etc. începe să înveți
The land outside towns and cities
începe să înveți
Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. "There is growing awareness of environmental issues."
especially as structural components of body tissues such as muscle and hair începe să înveți
Any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds that consist of large molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms "Meat is a good source of protein." and as enzymes and antibodies.
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Required by law or rules; compulsory. "Wearing a seatbelt is obligatory."
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Consisting of many interconnecting parts or elements; intricate. "The instructions were complicated and difficult to follow."
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An organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need. "They donated to a local charity."
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Small in degree; inconsiderable. "There was a slight change in the plan."
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Enlist (someone) in the armed forces. "The company plans to recruit more employees."
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"The medicine helped relieve the pain." or difficulty) to become less severe or serious.
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In a way that achieves maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense. "The task was completed efficiently."
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"The pilot skillfully landed the plane in the storm." especially as a profession. începe să înveți
A person who operates the controls of an aircraft
începe să înveți
Relating to or derived from living matter. "We prefer to buy organic fruits and vegetables."
începe să înveți
A parcel or container of goods or commodities. "The packages were delivered to the office this morning."
"The computer is made up of various hardware components." especially a part of a machine or vehicle. începe să înveți
A part or element of a larger whole
începe să înveți
"She genuinely cares about her friends."
începe să înveți
The process of promoting or moving something forward. "Technological advancements have changed the way we live."
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Cause or arrange for (something) to take place at a time later than that first scheduled. "The meeting was postponed until next week."
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Regard as probable; expect or predict. "The company anticipated a rise in sales during the holiday season."
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Having on one's person or body as clothing "She was wearing a beautiful dress."
"The scientists decided to collaborate on the research project." especially to produce or create something. începe să înveți
Work jointly on an activity
"The school aims to foster a love of learning." typically something regarded as good). începe să înveți
Encourage or promote the development of (something
începe să înveți
Found or distributed over a large area or number of people. "There is widespread concern about climate change."
"The company has a conservative approach to investing." typically in relation to politics or religion. începe să înveți
Holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation
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Estimate (something) to be smaller or less important than it actually is. "Never underestimate the power of hard work."
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Devoted to a task or purpose; having single-minded loyalty or commitment. "She is a dedicated teacher who cares about her students."
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The destruction of a ship at sea by sinking or breaking up. "The shipwreck was discovered by divers."
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The action of making something known or available to the public. "The journal published her research findings."
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Academic study or achievement; learning of a high level. "He received a scholarship to attend the university."
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The state of being free from illness or injury. "Regular exercise is important for good health."
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An educational institution or a constituent part of one. "She plans to attend college after graduating high school."
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The branch of science that deals with the identification of the substances of which matter is composed; the investigation of their properties and the ways in which they interact "She is studying chemistry at university." and change; and the use of these processes to form new substances.
"The professor gave an interesting lecture on history." especially to students in a university. începe să înveți
An educational talk to an audience
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The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth. "Good nutrition is essential for children's development."
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An act of assistance; help. "The restaurant provides excellent customer service."
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Having or revealing natural creative skill. "The artist created a beautiful and artistic sculpture."
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Consisting of many different and connected parts. "The human brain is a complex organ."
"Please consider all your options before making a choice." typically before making a decision. începe să înveți
Think carefully about (something)
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"The impact of the change was minimal."
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A medicine or other substance used as a remedy for illness. "The doctor prescribed a drug to treat the infection."
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Refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally. "The warning signs were ignored."
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Deny the truth of (a statement) by asserting the opposite. "The evidence seems to contradict his claims."
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Relating or devoted to the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge "The book explores philosophical questions about life."
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A restaurant or dining room in a school or a business in which customers serve themselves or are served from a counter and pay before eating. "We ate lunch in the school cafeteria."
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A fixed regular sum paid as a salary or allowance. "He received a stipend for his research work."
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The visible shape or configuration of something. "The clouds took on various forms."
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The part played by a person or thing in bringing about a result or helping something to advance. "Her contribution to the project was invaluable."
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The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. "The novel features interesting characters."
începe să înveți
Support or actively encourage (a cause "The company is promoting a new product." etc.); further the progress of.
"She decided to contribute to the charity." especially money or time) in order to help achieve or provide something. începe să înveți
începe să înveți
"We need to address this issue immediately."
it didn't rain." începe să înveți
In a way that causes surprise; unexpectedly.
începe să înveți
Required by law or rules; compulsory. "Attending the meeting is mandatory."
typically a crime or accident începe să înveți
A person who sees an event "The police interviewed several witnesses."
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"The furniture is made from durable materials."
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All existing matter and space considered as a whole; the cosmos. "Scientists study the universe to understand its origins."
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The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g. buildings "The city needs to invest in its infrastructure." power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
"The ships were docked in the harbor." especially one with piers or quays. începe să înveți
A place on the coast where ships may moor in shelter
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The envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet. "The Earth's atmosphere protects us from harmful radiation."
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"We made arrangements for the trip."
începe să înveți
Make (an action or process) easy or easier. "The new software facilitated the data analysis."
"The team had several discussions about the project." typically in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas. începe să înveți
The action or process of talking about something
începe să înveți
Build (something) again after it has been damaged or destroyed. "The city was rebuilt after the earthquake."
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A building or group of buildings where goods are manufactured or assembled chiefly by machine. "Many people work in the factories in this area."
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Valued objects and qualities such as cultural traditions "The city is proud of its cultural heritage." and historic buildings that have been passed down from previous generations.
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Financial or other support received from a sponsor. "The event was made possible through corporate sponsorship."
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A thing intended; an aim or plan. "Her intention was to help others."
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A spoken or written representation or account of a person "The book provides a detailed description of the characters."
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The inside part of something. "The interior of the building was beautifully designed."
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The value equivalent to that of someone or something under consideration; the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated. "The painting is worth a lot of money."
"We need to modify the design to make it more efficient." typically so as to improve it or to make it less extreme. începe să înveți
Make partial or minor changes to (something)
"Natural phenomena like rainbows are fascinating." especially one whose cause or explanation is in question. începe să înveți
A fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen
începe să înveți
Evaluate or estimate the nature "The teacher is assessing the students' progress."
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An expert in or student of history. "Historians study past events and their impact on society."
"The company has overseas offices." especially one across the sea. începe să înveți
In or to a foreign country
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A space entirely devoid of matter. "Sound cannot travel in a vacuum."
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The area of variation between upper and lower limits on a particular scale. "The temperature range in the desert is extreme."
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Having or holding (someone or something) within. "The box is containing books."
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Not habitually or commonly occurring "The museum displays unusual artifacts." or done; remarkable or interesting because different from or better than others.
"The weather forecast predicts rain for tomorrow." especially coming weather or a financial trend. începe să înveți
A prediction or estimate of future events
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The aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community. "Society is constantly changing."
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"The library book is overdue." or been done by the time expected.
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The branch of mechanics concerned with the motion of bodies under the action of forces. "We studied the dynamics of the ecosystem."
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The matter from which a thing is or can be made. "The dress is made of a soft material."
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Wild animals collectively; the native fauna (and sometimes flora) of a region. "We went on a safari to see African wildlife."
"The thief stole the valuable painting." especially by stealth and without using force or violence. începe să înveți
A person who steals another person's property
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Relating to or connected with a profession. "She is a professional photographer."
începe să înveți
A type of cloth or woven fabric. "The textile industry is a major employer in the region."
"They live in a small apartment downtown." typically in a building containing a number of these. începe să înveți
A suite of rooms forming one residence
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Activity done for enjoyment when one is not working. "The park offers various recreation activities."
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Have or express a different opinion. "They disagree on the best approach to the problem."
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Have an effect on; make a difference to. "The weather affects our mood."
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Cause (an event or situation) to happen or exist. "The alarm can trigger a security alert."
"The streams are full of fish." începe să înveți
începe să înveți
Give the impression of being or doing something. "He seems to be very happy."
începe să înveți
The ability to move or be moved freely and easily. "Improved mobility is essential for the elderly."
not a copy." începe să înveți
Present or existing from the beginning; first or earliest. "This is the original painting
începe să înveți
Something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain. "The disappearance of the plane remains a mystery."
începe să înveți
A feeling of deep distress caused by loss "She felt deep sorrow after her friend's death."
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Excessive in quantity; too plentiful. "There is an overabundant supply of fruit this season."
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"The two companies combined their resources."
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Protected from danger or harsh weather conditions. "The village is sheltered by the mountains."
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"She is pursuing doctoral studies in biology."
începe să înveți
A person or organization that employs people. "Employers are looking for skilled workers."
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The state of being uncertain. "There is a lot of uncertainty about the future."
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A person who writes novels. "Many famous novelists have lived in this city."
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Having previously filled a particular role or been a particular thing. "The former president gave a speech."
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The position of someone's body when standing or sitting. "Good posture is important for back health."
"Bacteria can cause infections." including some that cause disease. începe să înveți
A member of a large group of unicellular microorganisms that have cell walls but lack organelles and an organized nucleus
"Entrepreneurialism is vital for economic growth." taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. începe să înveți
The activity of setting up a business or businesses
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A vehicle designed for travel in space. "The spaceship launched into orbit."
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"The medicine helped alleviate the pain." or a problem) less severe.
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Taking place or progressing slowly or by degrees. "There was a gradual improvement in her health."
or snow. începe să înveți
A violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain
începe să înveți
The action of spending funds. "The company's expenditure exceeded its income."
începe să înveți
Having or showing keen interest or intense desire. "The students were eager to learn."
"She used a new technique in her painting." especially the execution or performance of an artistic work or a scientific procedure. începe să înveți
A way of carrying out a particular task
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"The city council made a decision about the park." or administrative body of people.
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Form an idea of the amount "The teacher will evaluate the students' work."
începe să înveți
A person who conducts research. "The researcher published her findings in a journal."
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A limitation or restriction. "The project was completed within budget constraints."
începe să înveți
A small alteration or movement made to achieve a desired fit "She made an adjustment to the camera settings."
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An experienced and trusted adviser. "He served as a mentor to the young employees."
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Think deeply or carefully about. "She took time to reflect on her life."
începe să înveți
A hope or ambition of achieving something. "His aspirations were to become a doctor."
"She wrote a novel about her travels." typically representing character and action with some degree of realism. începe să înveți
A fictitious prose narrative of book length
începe să înveți
The leading or most important position or place. "The company is at the forefront of technology."
"The minority group faced discrimination." especially a number that is less than half the whole number. începe să înveți
The smaller number or part
începe să înveți
The sport or activity of jumping or falling into water from a height. "He enjoys diving and swimming."
începe să înveți
A person who studies human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains. "The archaeologist discovered ancient pottery."
"Deforestation is a major environmental problem." transforming a forest into cleared land. începe să înveți
începe să înveți
Provide or supply (an opportunity or facility). "The scholarship afforded her the chance to study abroad."
începe să înveți
The part of a public building where an audience sits. "The lecture was held in the school auditorium."
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Plain or obvious; clearly seen or understood. "It was evident that he was upset."
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The nature of something's ingredients or constituents; the way in which a whole or mixture is made up. "The chemical composition of the substance was analyzed."
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As is certain to happen; unavoidably. "Changes will inevitably occur."
începe să înveți
"They argued against the proposal."
începe să înveți
A person's or animal's entire physical structure. "The human bodies were found."
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A room or building for the display or sale of works of art. "We visited the art gallery."
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Make or manufacture from components or raw materials. "The factory can produce 100 cars a day."
"The decision was crucial to the project's success." especially in the success or failure of something. începe să înveți
it started raining in the desert." începe să înveți
In an unusual or surprising way.
începe să înveți
A person who designs buildings and in many cases also supervises their construction. "The architect designed a modern building."
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A formal and organized choice by vote of a person for a political office or other position. "The elections will be held next month."
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A person who helps or supports someone else; a subordinate helper. "The assistant helped the manager with the report."
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The center of interest or activity. "The focus of the meeting was the budget."
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Enter or record on a list or in a book. "Please register for the event online."
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An engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action. "He has many commitments this week."
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Past tense of drive; propel or urge onward forcibly in a specified direction. "The wind drove the boat towards the shore."
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Commit oneself to and begin (an enterprise or responsibility); take on. "She decided to undertake the challenging task."
începe să înveți
The elected head of a republic. "The president gave a speech to the nation."
"The global economies are interconnected." especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services. începe să înveți
The wealth and resources of a country or region
începe să înveți
The action or process of identifying someone or something or the fact of being identified. "The identification of the suspect was difficult."
"Politics plays a major role in society." especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power. începe să înveți
The activities associated with the governance of a country or other area
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A disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. "Cancer research is making progress."
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Resulting in good; favorable or advantageous. "Exercise is beneficial to your health."
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A person receiving or registered to receive medical treatment. "The patients waited in the waiting room."
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The branch of medical practice that treats injuries "She had surgery to repair her knee." and deformities by the operative or manual methods.
"Technology continues to advance rapidly." typically in a purposeful way. începe să înveți
începe să înveți
A person or thing holding a position or performing a function that corresponds to that of another person or thing in another place. "The American president met with his European counterparts."
începe să înveți
Determine the total number of (a collection of items). "She was counting the money."
începe să înveți
Identify (someone or something) from having encountered them before; know from past experience. "I didn't recognize him at first."
"Everyone has their own opinion." not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. începe să înveți
A view or judgment formed about something
with temperatures over 40 degrees." începe să înveți
Reaching a high or the highest degree; very great.
începe să înveți
Able to be downloaded from the internet. "The software is downloadable from the website."
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A class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics. "The books are organized into different categories."
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The action or process of identifying the presence of something concealed. "The detection of the virus was crucial."
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The quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose. "Her dedication to the project was evident in her long hours."
or skill. începe să înveți
A thing done successfully
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A person or organization that owns a building or land and rents it to another. "The landlord fixed the leaky faucet."
"The committee met to discuss the new policy." typically consisting of members of a larger body. începe să înveți
A group of people appointed for a specific function
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Theft of goods from a shop during opening hours by pretending to be a customer. "Shoplifting is a crime with serious consequences."
începe să înveți
Provide amusement or enjoyment for (someone). "The comedian entertained the audience with his jokes."
începe să înveți
Give permission or consent for (someone) to do something. "You need a permit to park in this area."
sometimes causing great destruction începe să înveți
A sudden and violent shaking of the ground "Earthquakes are common in this region." as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
typically also with feelings of inadequacy and guilt începe să înveți
A mental condition characterized by feelings of severe despondency and dejection "She suffered from clinical depression." sometimes accompanied by suicidal tendencies.
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Having sound judgment; fair and sensible. "It's reasonable to expect a response within a few days."
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A previous statement or proposition from which another is inferred or follows as a conclusion. "The argument is based on a false premise."
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In a manner that is suitable or proper in the circumstances. "Dress appropriately for the job interview."
"The landscape was breathtaking." often considered in terms of their aesthetic appeal. începe să înveți
All the visible features of an area of countryside or land
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The combination of components or elements to form a connected whole. "The synthesis of these ideas led to a new theory."
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Relating to genes or heredity. "Genetic factors can influence a person's health."
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Clearly exhibit or give proof of (something) by giving evidence or example. "The experiment demonstrated the effects of the drug."
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A line or sequence of people or vehicles awaiting their turn to be dealt with or to proceed. "There was a long queue at the checkout."
începe să înveți
The scientific study of the nervous system. "Neuroscience research is advancing our understanding of the brain."
începe să înveți
A distinctive feature or characteristic. "Honesty is a hallmark of his character."
începe să înveți
Having healing properties. "Medicinal herbs have been used for centuries."
începe să înveți
Shape (something) again or differently. "The economic crisis reshaped the industry."
începe să înveți
"The dance ensemble performed a beautiful routine." or dancers who perform together.
începe să înveți
Need for a particular purpose. "This task requires careful attention."
"Survival in the wilderness requires specific skills." especially in spite of difficult conditions. începe să înveți
The state or fact of continuing to live or exist
începe să înveți
A scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery "The scientists conducted an experiment to test their theory." or demonstrate a known fact.
începe să înveți
"Regular exercise can improve your health."
începe să înveți
An effort to achieve or attain something. "He made several attempts to fix the problem."
"Geographical factors influenced the development of the city." or based on geographical data. începe să înveți
începe să înveți
Fall down or give way; fail suddenly. "The building collapsed after the earthquake."
începe să înveți
Keep away from or stop oneself from doing (something). "She avoided making eye contact."
începe să înveți
A person who buys goods or services from a shop or business. "The store has many loyal customers."
"He strained a muscle while lifting weights." producing movement in or maintaining the position of parts of the body. începe să înveți
A band or group of fibrous tissue in a human or animal body that has the ability to contract
începe să înveți
A part of a tree which grows out from the trunk or from a bough. "The tree has many branches."
începe să înveți
Concerned with the actual use or application of something rather than with theory or speculation. "He has practical experience in the field."
începe să înveți
In a close or intimate way. "They work closely together."
începe să înveți
The process of keeping financial accounts. "She works in the accounting department."
skill începe să înveți
Successfully reach (a desired objective or courage.
începe să înveți
Relating to or operated by means of electronics. "Electronic devices are now a part of everyday life."
începe să înveți
Think about and begin to deal with (an issue or problem). "The company addressed the customer's concerns."
începe să înveți
A mark or series of marks left by a person "The hikers followed the animal tracks."
începe să înveți
Bring (something) into existence. "The artist creates beautiful paintings."
începe să înveți
Make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction. "They struggled to overcome the challenges."
începe să înveți
An act of changing physical location or position or of moving something. "The dance involved graceful movements."
începe să înveți
Medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury. "There are various treatments for the disease."
începe să înveți
Make the surface of (something) smooth and shiny by rubbing it. "She used polish to shine her shoes."
începe să înveți
An expert in or student of economics. "Economists study the production and distribution of goods and services."
începe să înveți
A nerve cell with its appendages; the structural and functional unit of the nervous system. "Neurons transmit signals in the brain."
consisting of elastic sacs with branching passages into which air is drawn începe să înveți
Each of the pair of organs situated within the rib cage "Smoking can damage the lungs." so that oxygen can pass into the blood and carbon dioxide be removed.
începe să înveți
Accept or admit the existence or truth of. "She acknowledged her mistake."
"There were outbreaks of violence in the city." începe să înveți
A sudden occurrence of something unwelcome
începe să înveți
"The study used quantitative data." or measured by the quantity of something rather than its quality.
începe să înveți
The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone. "He took responsibility for his actions."
începe să înveți
A person who directs the performance of an orchestra or choir. "The conductor led the orchestra with precision."
începe să înveți
The ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells. "Vaccines can provide immunity against diseases."
începe să înveți
Relating to seeing or sight. "The movie has stunning visual effects."
începe să înveți
Give something and receive something of the same kind in return. "They exchanged gifts on Christmas."
typically paper începe să înveți
Past tense of write; mark (letters with a pen or other symbols) on a surface
începe să înveți
Make a thorough or dramatic change in the form "The new technology transformed the industry."
începe să înveți
In a quick or speedy way. "The company is growing rapidly."
începe să înveți
Extend over so as to cover partly. "The two projects overlap in some areas."
începe să înveți
Concerned with or engaged in commerce. "The company produces commercial vehicles."
începe să înveți
Far on or ahead in development or progress. "They use advanced technology in their research."
or death in return for payment of a premium. începe să înveți
A practice or arrangement by which a company or government agency provides a guarantee of compensation for specified loss
începe să înveți
A means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation. "They found a solution to the problem."
începe să înveți
"The teacher encouraged the students to try their best."
începe să înveți
The action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. "Immigration has changed the demographics of the city."
or meeting. începe să înveți
The assembled spectators or listeners at a public event such as a play
începe să înveți
Done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical. "They took a systematic approach to solving the problem."
începe să înveți
Relating to a corporation. "The company has a strong corporate culture."
începe să înveți
A rule or directive made and maintained by an authority. "The government introduced new regulations."
începe să înveți
Put forward (someone or something) with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose or role. "The doctor recommended a healthy diet."
începe să înveți
Experience or be subject to (something bad or unpleasant). "They suffered losses during the economic downturn."
începe să înveți
"The train arrived at the terminal station." or situated at the end or extremity of something.
"The teacher provided guidance to the students." or at providing assistance. începe să înveți
Advice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty
începe să înveți
Relating to or situated in or on the Atlantic Ocean. "The ship sailed across the Atlantic."
începe să înveți
Possession of the means or skill to do something. "She has strong leadership abilities."
începe să înveți
The action or process of working or functioning. "The factory resumed its operation."
începe să înveți
or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences. începe să înveți
The mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts
începe să înveți
Be present at (an event or meeting). "He attended the conference last week."
începe să înveți
An illness or condition that disrupts normal physical or mental functions. "Anxiety disorders are common."
începe să înveți
A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. "The online forum was filled with discussions."
începe să înveți
Give or order to be given (something) as an official payment "She was awarded a scholarship."
începe să înveți
Completely; including all or nearly all elements or aspects of something. "The report covered the issue comprehensively."
începe să înveți
The state or condition of physical touching. "Make sure there is good contact between the wires."
începe să înveți
Relating to the post office or the mail. "The postal service delivered the package."
începe să înveți
A limiting rule or circumstance; a restriction. "The project had several limitations."
începe să înveți
About to happen or appear. "The new book is forthcoming next month."
începe să înveți
Having or showing enthusiasm "She gave him a warm smile."
"The marketing campaign was successful." including market research and advertising. începe să înveți
The activity or business of promoting and selling products or services
începe să înveți
Observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a period of time; keep under systematic review. "The doctor will monitor your blood pressure."
începe să înveți
Closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand. "Please provide relevant information."
începe să înveți
A part or share of something. "He ate a large portion of the pizza."
începe să înveți
The most important or prominent person. "The chief executive officer gave a presentation."
începe să înveți
Comparatively high temperature. "The weather is getting warmer."
începe să înveți
A system of rules that a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and may enforce by the imposition of penalties. "The new laws were passed by parliament."
începe să înveți
Extending over or applying to. "The insurance policy is covering medical expenses."
începe să înveți
"We need additional resources for the project."
începe să înveți
The state of having paid work. "Employment rates have improved."
typically covering a particular subject or area of interest. începe să înveți
A periodical publication containing articles
începe să înveți
A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. "He is under a lot of stress."
începe să înveți
A country in southeastern Europe with thousands of islands throughout the Aegean and Ionian seas. "We visited ancient ruins in Greece."
începe să înveți
"Plants need nitrogen for growth." gaseous element that constitutes about four-fifths of the volume of the atmosphere and is present in combined form in all living matter.
începe să înveți
A general direction in which something is developing or changing. "There is a trend towards healthier eating."
începe să înveți
Just behavior or treatment. "Everyone deserves justice."
începe să înveți
"The soldiers were armed and ready."
începe să înveți
A large company or group of companies authorized to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law. "The corporation announced its quarterly earnings."
începe să înveți
The science or practice of the diagnosis "She is studying medicine." and prevention of disease.
începe să înveți
Failure to give sufficient attention to avoiding harm or errors; negligence. "His carelessness caused the accident."
începe să înveți
Relating to the nucleus of an atom. "Nuclear energy is controversial."
începe să înveți
A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. "The ecosystem is fragile."
începe să înveți
Work done by students as part of their study. "The coursework is due next week."
începe să înveți
Relating to a person's emotions. "The movie was very emotional."
începe să înveți
Grasp mentally; understand. "He couldn't comprehend the complex instructions."
începe să înveți
"The plants thrive in the sunlight."
începe să înveți
"The competition was intense."
începe să înveți
"The phenomenon is termed 'global warming'."
începe să înveți
Having run out of money; bankrupt. "The company went broke."
"She had several job interviews." especially for consultation. începe să înveți
A meeting of people face to face
începe să înveți
Regularly or frequently behave in a particular way or have a certain characteristic.
începe să înveți
Writing and other office materials. "We need to order more stationery."
începe să înveți
Costing a great deal; costly or high-priced. "The car is very expensive."
"The festival is a local tradition." or the fact of being passed on in this way. începe să înveți
The transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation
începe să înveți
Make certain that (something) will occur or be the case. "The contract ensures payment."
începe să înveți
Support and move (someone or something) from one place to another. "The waiter carried the plates."
"The kettle released steam." forming a white mist of minute water droplets in the air. începe să înveți
The vapor into which water is converted when heated
începe să înveți
The action of working with someone to produce or create something. "The project required collaboration from all team members."
începe să înveți
A room or building in which goods are manufactured or repaired. "He works in a metal workshop."
începe să înveți
To some extent; moderately. "The weather is fairly good."
începe să înveți
An article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale. "The company launched a new product."
începe să înveți
The study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains. "Archaeology helps us understand the past."
începe să înveți
"The museum offers educational programs."
începe să înveți
"Many people live in big cities."
începe să înveți
Obtain or secure (something desired "She gained valuable experience."
începe să înveți
Done in accordance with rules of convention or etiquette; suitable for or constituting an official or important occasion. "The event was a formal dinner."
începe să înveți
The circumstances or setting from which something develops or emerges; or a person's social or educational past. "He has a background in finance."
începe să înveți
A large or sufficient amount or supply. "There is plenty of food."
începe să înveți
Water or other liquid diffused or condensed in relatively small quantity. "The plants need moisture to grow."
începe să înveți
Send (goods or services) to another country for sale. "The country exports agricultural products."
începe să înveți
An estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time. "The company has a tight budget."
începe să înveți
Providing satisfaction; gratifying. "Teaching is a rewarding career."
începe să înveți
Separate or force apart into pieces. "The glass can break easily."
începe să înveți
Cause to come to a place or participate in an activity by inviting or offering something of interest or advantage. "The advertisement will attract customers."
începe să înveți
State one's intention to take hostile action against (someone) in reprisal for something done or not done. "Pollution threatens the environment."
ratites începe să înveți
A warm-blooded vertebrate animal of a class that includes songbirds and fowl
"Birds migrate south for the winter." especially regularly according to the seasons. începe să înveți
Move from one region or habitat to another
începe să înveți
A period of one hundred years. "The castle has stood for centuries."
"They took several considerations into account." typically over a period of time. începe să înveți
începe să înveți
Requiring someone or something for financial "Children are dependent on their parents."
începe să înveți
A system of parts or processes that performs a particular function. "The clock has a complex mechanism."
începe să înveți
The ability to read and write. "Literacy rates have improved."
începe să înveți
Correct in all details; exact.
începe să înveți
"It is impossible to please everyone."
"Children have vivid imaginations." or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses. începe să înveți
The faculty or action of forming new ideas
începe să înveți
State that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of. "He denied the allegations."
începe să înveți
"The pupils listened to the teacher."
începe să înveți
The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something. "The restaurant has a good reputation."
începe să înveți
Make a public and typically formal statement about a fact "The company announced its new product."
începe să înveți
Relating to or involving chemistry. "The substance is chemically reactive."
începe să înveți
Present or constitute (a problem "The question poses a challenge."
începe să înveți
"The view was magnificent." or extravagant; striking.
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life "They cherish their liberty."
începe să înveți
Demonstrate the truth or existence of (something) by evidence or argument. "The scientists proved their hypothesis."
"There is a link between diet and health." especially where one affects the other. începe să înveți
A relationship between two or more things
începe să înveți
Unexpectedly experience or be faced with (something difficult or hostile). "We encountered some problems along the way."
începe să înveți
An abundance of valuable possessions or money. "The country's wealth comes from its natural resources."
începe să înveți
Persist in an activity or process. "They decided to continue the project."
începe să înveți
"He didn't respond to my email."
începe să înveți
Strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement. "The force of the wind was strong."
începe să înveți
"The author signed copies of her book."
începe să înveți
A person who purchases goods and services for personal use. "Consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious."
începe să înveți
The kinds of food that a person or animal habitually eats. "A healthy diet is important for well-being."
"The wedding ceremony was beautiful." typically one celebrating a particular event or anniversary. începe să înveți
A formal religious or public occasion
începe să înveți
Provide with funds; finance. "The research was funded by a grant."
începe să înveți
Feeling or showing disappointment; unhappy because something was not as good as expected or because something did not happen. "She was disappointed by the results."
începe să înveți
Have a strong effect on someone or something. "The new policy impacted many people."
începe să înveți
Officially register or enter as a member of a course or university. "She is enrolling in a language course."
începe să înveți
The activity or condition of competing. "There is fierce competition in the market."
începe să înveți
During the night; for the duration of a night. "The weather changed overnight."
începe să înveți
A person who acts on behalf of another person or group. "The real estate agent showed us the house."
000. începe să înveți
începe să înveți
Increased in size or number; developed. "The city has grown rapidly."
începe să înveți
Demanding that rules concerning behavior are obeyed and observed. "The teacher is very strict."
începe să înveți
The state of something with regard to its appearance "The car is in good condition."
or machine. începe să înveți
The process of building or assembling something
începe să înveți
The state or condition of being fully grown or mature. "Adulthood brings new responsibilities."
începe să înveți
The action or crime of stealing. "Theft is a serious crime."
"The sun began to appear." especially without apparent cause. începe să înveți
Become visible or noticeable
începe să înveți
A general description or plan giving the essential features of something but without the detail. "The teacher provided an outline of the lesson."
începe să înveți
A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior. "The company operates on ethical principles."
începe să înveți
"She gave me bits of advice." or quantity of something.
începe să înveți
Cause to come to a place or participate in an activity by inviting or offering something of interest or advantage. "The advertisement is attracting many customers."
începe să înveți
Occurring or done many times. "He made repeated attempts to fix the problem."
începe să înveți
Carry out a systematic or formal inquiry to discover and examine the facts of (an incident "The police are investigating the crime." etc.) so as to establish the truth.
"The company has a large workforce." either in a country or area or in a particular firm or industry. începe să înveți
The people engaged in or available for work
începe să înveți
Give an account of (something) in words. "The book describes the history of the city."
începe să înveți
Convert (waste) into reusable material. "Recycling helps protect the environment."
"He was involved in a car accident." typically resulting in damage or injury. începe să înveți
An unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally
începe să înveți
A person or company that makes goods for sale. "The manufacturers produce high-quality products."
începe să înveți
Reduce (something) to small particles or powder by crushing it. "The machine is grinding coffee beans."
începe să înveți
"Vitamin deficiency can cause health problems."
începe să înveți
Institute legal proceedings against (a person or organization). "The company was sued for negligence."
începe să înveți
In a sudden and striking way. "The company's profits increased dramatically."
începe să înveți
The ability to understand something. "Reading comprehension is essential for learning."
începe să înveți
In or to a foreign country or countries. "She studied abroad for a year."
începe să înveți
Safe and protected; reliable. "The data is stored in a secure location."
începe să înveți
Give (someone or something) the authority or means to do something. "The software enables users to create presentations."
începe să înveți
Designated as officially secret and accessible only to authorized people. "The documents were classified."
"The translators worked on the document." especially as a profession. începe să înveți
A person who translates from one language into another
începe să înveți
Feeling or showing great pleasure. "She was delighted with the gift."
or skill. începe să înveți
A thing done successfully
începe să înveți
Allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen. "The glass is transparent."
imposing începe să înveți
Evoking admiration through size or awesome.
"We celebrate Christmas with family." held on December 25 in the West and on January 7 in the East. începe să înveți
The annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth
începe să înveți
A sudden and violent collision. "The car crash caused serious injuries."
începe să înveți
A system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity. "The research used a rigorous methodology."
începe să înveți
"He had trouble understanding the instructions."
începe să înveți
Full of incessant or frantic activity. "The office was hectic during the holiday season."
începe să înveți
Increase in size or number; develop. "The company grew rapidly."
începe să înveți
Come or bring together; assemble or collect. "They gathered around the campfire."
începe să înveți
Able to be understood; comprehensible. "The instructions were clear and understandable."
"Regular exercise is important for health." carried out especially to sustain or improve health and fitness. începe să înveți
Activity requiring physical effort
începe să înveți
Produce a copy or representation of. "The printer can reproduce high-quality images."
începe să înveți
A thing that is composed of two or more separate elements; a mixture. "Water is a compound made of hydrogen and oxygen."
începe să înveți
Indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way. "The policy was criticized by many people."
începe să înveți
Not expected or regarded as likely to happen. "The storm was unexpected."
începe să înveți
A room in which teaching or learning activities take place at a school or college. "The students sat in the classroom."
începe să înveți
The body of words used in a particular language. "Expanding your vocabulary is important for communication."
începe să înveți
Feeling fear or anxiety; frightened. "She was afraid of the dark."
we had some problems." începe să înveți
At the beginning; originally.
începe să înveți
"The answer is absolutely correct."
începe să înveți
Any of the foods or substances that are combined to make a particular dish. "The recipe lists the ingredients."
începe să înveți
Conduct oneself or act in a specified way. "The children behaved well."
începe să înveți
Of chief importance; principal. "The primary goal is to improve safety."
începe să înveți
Examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of (something "The data was analyzed by the researchers." typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation.
începe să înveți
Carry out or conduct (a task or undertaking). "The actors performed the play."
începe să înveți
The branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings. "Ecology studies the interactions between organisms and their environment."
începe să înveți
An account of someone's life written by someone else. "She wrote a biography of the famous scientist."
începe să înveți
An act of breaking or failing to observe a law "They were sued for breach of contract."
perform given to an originator or an assignee to print începe să înveți
The exclusive legal right film
"Industrial pollutants can harm the environment." especially water or the atmosphere. începe să înveți
A substance that pollutes something
începe să înveți
The condition of being known or talked about by many people; renown. "The actor achieved international fame."
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
A postulated sequence or development of events. "They discussed different scenarios for the project's completion."
începe să înveți
The power or ability to do something. "The new software has advanced capabilities for data analysis."
începe să înveți
Widespread in a particular area or at a particular time. "The disease is prevalent in many developing countries."
începe să înveți
A serious disagreement or argument. "The two countries have a history of conflicts."
"The blood bank relies on generous donors." especially blood or an organ. începe să înveți
A person who donates something
a blowhole on the top of the head începe să înveți
A very large marine mammal with a streamlined body "Whales are known for their complex songs." and a broad horizontal tail fin.
începe să înveți
The way in which a word is spoken. "Correct pronunciation is important for clear communication."
începe să înveți
An expert in or student of the production "The economist presented a report on the country's financial outlook." and consumption of goods and services.
începe să înveți
Inexpensive; reasonably priced. "The restaurant offers affordable meals."
începe să înveți
Lift or move to a higher position or level. "Please raise your hand if you have a question."
începe să înveți
A person who writes for newspapers "The journalist interviewed the politician." or news websites or prepares news to be broadcast.
începe să înveți
"Urban areas are often densely populated." or characteristic of a town or city.
începe să înveți
Strong and durable; requiring considerable effort or endurance. "This is one of the toughest challenges the team has faced."
începe să înveți
The state or quality of being humid. "The high humidity made the air feel heavy."
"The company received many applicants for the position." such as a job or a place at a university. începe să înveți
A person who applies for something
începe să înveți
An expression of dissatisfaction or annoyance. "The store received several complaints about the service."
"Proper sanitation is essential for preventing disease." especially the provision of clean drinking water and adequate sewage disposal. începe să înveți
Conditions relating to public health
începe să înveți
Relating to or arising from the chemical processes by which substances are produced or broken down in living organisms. "Metabolic disorders can affect energy levels."
începe să înveți
Relating to or conducted in or as if in a clinic and involving direct observation of a patient. "The drug underwent clinical trials."
începe să înveți
Show or have an emotional or physical response to something. "How did the audience react to the performance?"
începe să înveți
The power or right to act "Freedom of speech is a fundamental right." or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
începe să înveți
Relating to or operated by machines or machinery. "The watch has a complex mechanical mechanism."
"We went on vacation to the beach." especially one spent away from home or in travelling. începe să înveți
An extended period of leisure and recreation
or for the manufacture of drugs or chemicals. începe să înveți
A room or building equipped for scientific experiments
începe să înveți
In an uncontrolled or excited manner. "The audience applauded wildly."
începe să înveți
Not supervised or looked after. "Please do not leave your luggage unattended."
începe să înveți
Showing a readiness to give more of something "She made a generous donation to the charity." than is strictly necessary or expected.