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kiedy widzisz na żywo to, co zaprojektowałeś începe să înveți
when you see live what you have designed
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health and safety regulations
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popyt się bardzo zmniejszył începe să înveți
the demand fell a lot, the demand increased very much
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Słyszeliśmy, że nie przyjadą do Polski începe să înveți
We heard that they wouldn’t visit Poland
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how many attempts she did?
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Więc myślę, że teraz łatwiej jest utrzymać zespół razem începe să înveți
So I think it's easier to keep the band together now
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nie wiem czy biblioteka będzie zamknięta începe să înveți
I don't know if the library will be closed
„Może to kosztować życie wielu ludzi, możemy nie być już w stanie bezpiecznie podróżować”... începe să înveți
“It may cost a lot of people of their lives, we may not be able to take a safe flight anymore”...
najbardziej wolny i najbardziej cyfrowy kraj na świecie. Bez biurokracji, ale z silnym przemysłem technologicznym. Bezgotówkowe i bez papieru. To jest przyszłość, którą budujemy. începe să înveți
the freest and most digital country in the world. Without bureaucracy, but with strong tech industry. Cashless & paperless. This is the future we are building.
Dopóki nie usłyszysz tego od nas, to nie jest prawda începe să înveți
Unless you hear it from us it is not the truth
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firefighters extinguished the fire
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Pozostała połowa uczniów nie chce jechać na wycieczkę începe să înveți
The remaining half of the students do not want to go on a trip
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Pudełko jest szerokie na 40 centymetrów începe să înveți
The box is 40 centimeters wide
nasza księgarnia ma szeroki wybór książek începe să înveți
our bookstore has a wide selection of books
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Globalne ocieplenie to bardzo obszerny temat începe să înveți
Global warming is a very broad topic
bez żadnej korzyści dla mnie începe să înveți
for no benefit to me, it will be without any profit for me
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On mówi z silnym szkockim akcentem începe să înveți
He speaks with a strong Scottish accent, He speaks with a broad Scottish accent
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Chciałbym ci podziękować za twój wkład w nasz sukces începe să înveți
I would like to thank you for your contribution to our success
Jaki jest dokładnie twój wkład w ten projekt? începe să înveți
What exactly is your contribution to this project?
Wiesz, że jesteśmy ci bardzo wdzięczni za twoje zasługi.) începe să înveți
You know how grateful we all are for your contribution
Pielęgniarka nalegała na dokładność! Jacyś lekarze, którzy mogliby wpłynąć na tę dziwaczną prośbę? începe să înveți
The nurse did insist on accuracy! Any doctors out there that could weigh in on that bizarre request?
Kiedy poszedłem na USG wcześniej w tym roku... Kobieta wykonująca moje USG powiedziała, że nigdy w swojej karierze nie widziała tylu przypadków obrzęku węzłów chłonnych începe să înveți
When I went to go get my ultrasound earlier on this year... The woman performing my ultrasound said, she’s never seen so many cases of swollen lymph nodes in her career
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blocked towards blocked in the direction
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period of notice termination period
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zawodnik grający na środku pola începe să înveți
player playing in the middle of the field
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musi zrezygnować z pracy, ponieważ jest przedmiotem dochodzenia @EUProsecutor. Nie może pouczać państw na temat rządów prawa, gdy... începe să înveți
must resign her job since the is under investigation by @EUProsecutor. She cannot lecture states on the rule of law while she
zniszczyła dokumenty i wiadomości tekstowe między sobą a dyrektorem generalnym Pfizera w związku z wielomiliardowymi kontraktami na szczepionki. începe să înveți
destroyed docs and text messages between herself and the Pfizer CEO over multi €billion vaccine procurement contracts.
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my bedroom requires / demands
każdy ma takie wyzwanie chociaż raz începe să înveți
everyone has such a challenge at least once
ill Gates, Johns Hopkins, and the WHO Just Simulated Another Pandemic. They completed a desktop simulation for a new Enterovirus originating near Brazil. The virus has a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affects children începe să înveți
ill właśnie symulowali kolejną pandemię. Ukończyli komputerową symulację nowego wirusa pochodzącego z okolic Brazylii. Wirus ma wyższy wskaźnik śmiertelności niż COVID-19 i nieproporcjonalnie dotyka dzieci
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„Być może modlę się w myślach începe să înveți
"I might be praying in my head
Nie możemy znaleźć podpisanej umowy z firmą Pfizer”: Czy rząd Netanjahu i izraelski minister obrony wprowadzili w błąd izraelską opinię publiczną începe să înveți
We can’t locate a signed agreement with Pfizer": Did the Netanyahu govt and the Israeli MoH MISLED the Israeli public
i świat? Nowe dokumenty ujawniają: umowa między Izraelem a firmą Pfizer została podpisana PRZED otrzymaniem ich szczepionki na COVID-19 începe să înveți
and the world? New documents reveal: The deal between Israel and Pfizer was signed BEFORE their COVID-19 vaccine even received
o zimowej burzy: „Jest dla mnie jasne, że skutki zmian klimatu sieją wszędzie spustoszenie începe să înveți
on winter storm: "It's very clear to me that the effects of climate change are wreaking havoc everywhere
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ulubione cytaty: „Czasami rano, kiedy jest dobry surf, wychodzę tam i nie czuję, że to zły świat”. începe să înveți
favorite quotes: "Sometimes in the morning, when it's a good surf, I go out there, and I don't feel like it's a bad world."
Zamierzam surfować po tej górze! W międzyczasie mam nadzieję, że The Criminals of COVID będą się dobrze bawić podczas ostatnich świąt Bożego Narodzenia! Mamy je începe să înveți
I’m going to surf this mountain! In the meantime, I hope The Criminals of COVID enjoy their last Christmas! We got em
Najczęstsze obce obywatelstwo w więzieniach każdego kraju europejskiego începe să înveți
Most common foreign nationality in prisons of each European country
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Na oknach BBC wywieszono naklejki przedstawiające zmarłych w wyniku zakłuć... începe să înveți
Stickers of the dead caused by the jabs are posted on windows of the BBC...
przyznał, że tworzą Nowy Porządek Świata... începe să înveți
has admitted they’re forming a New World Order...
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to admit, to confess, to accept
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posunięcie oszczędzające czas începe să înveți
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Wydaje się to mało prawdopodobne, że on przyjdzie începe să înveți
It seems unlikely that he will come
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listę przyznanych środków începe să înveți
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Szukam odpowiedniej szkoły dla mojej córki începe să înveți
I am looking for the right school for my daughter
wszystkie szczegóły zostały ustalone începe să înveți
all the details were discussed
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the guard cannot be recalled
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to take into consideration
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I have no right to complain
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Nadal dochodzę do siebie po przeziębieniu începe să înveți
I'm still recovering from a cold
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there is nothing to talk about
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Przyznający się do zabójstwa Stephen McDaniel utrzymuje swoje ciało w niesamowitym bezruchu podczas 2-godzinnego przesłuchania. începe să înveți
Confessed killer Stephen McDaniel keeps his body eerily still during 2-hour interrogation.
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anulowanie wskazanej rezerwacji. începe să înveți
cancellation of the indicated booking.
Nadmiar zgonów krajów OECD 2020-2023. Spójrz na kraj o najniższej liczbie zgonów. To Szwecja - która nie wprowadziła lockdownu, nie wyegzekwowała nakazów noszenia masek ani nie zamknęła szkół podczas pandemii. începe să înveți
Excess deaths of OECD countries 2020-2023. Look at the country with the lowest excess deaths. It’s Sweden  - who didn’t lockdown, enforce mask mandates or shut schools during the pandemic.
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Why wouldn’t she wear panties
Ziewnięcie, takie fałszywe, wyraźnie widać na zrzucie ekranu, że miał przyklejoną podkładkę do pleców, zanim ją podniósł începe să înveți
Yawn, So fake, clearly from the screenshot it’s obvious he had the pad stuck to his back prior to lifting her up
Dlaczego Fox News miałby to robić începe să înveți
Why would fox news do this
Tak, wszystkie drzewa między dwoma budynkami najwyraźniej zniknęły LOL începe să înveți
Yeah all the trees between the two building disappeared apparently LOL
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źródło pobierania ciężarówek începe să înveți
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Koleś wchodzi do wanny z hydromasażem i szybko się o tym dowiaduje începe să înveți
Dude gets into hot tub and quickly finds out
Oto 6 pozycji jogi, które uratują Twoje plecy i szyję: începe să înveți
Here are 6 yoga poses that will save your back and neck:
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Czy zgadzasz się, że flagi dumy powinny zostać ZABRONIONE w kościele? Tak lub nie? Jeśli TAK, będę Cię śledzić! începe să înveți
Do you agree that Pride Flags should be BANNED from Church? YES or NO? If YES, I will follow you back!
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Myślę, że zdecydowanie najwyżsi teoretycy Wielkiego Spisku mają rację. Tą osobą podczas debaty może być każdy, ale nie Biden începe să înveți
I think definitely the highest theorist from the Big Conspiracy are right. This thing at the debate could be anyone but not Biden
Biden potrzebuje POWAŻNEJ pomocy. Trump patrzy na to i myśli: „Jest absolutnie ugotowany. On potrzebuje pomocy începe să înveți
Biden needs some SERIOUS help. Trump is looking over and thinking, “he’s absolutely cooked. He needs help