Lesson 1 17/03/2020

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începe să înveți
zamiar, cel; why you do something or why something exists
The purpose of the research is to try to find out more about the causes of the disease.
începe să înveți
osiągać; to succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim, especially after a lot of work or effort:
I've been working all day, but I feel as if I've achieved nothing.
other half
începe să înveți
druga połówka; a person's husband, wife, or usual partner
Bring your other half next time you come.
începe să înveți
beztroski; without any worries or problems
She felt happy and carefree.
grow up
începe să înveți
dorastać; to become older or an adult
She grew up in New York.
take (sb/sth) seriously
începe să înveți
traktować coś poważnie; to treat (someone or something) as being very important and deserving attention or respect.
He takes his religious faith seriously.
well-known (person)
începe să înveți
znana osoba; famous
Brad Pitt is a well-known actor.
dress up
începe să înveți
wystroić się, ubrać się elegancko; to put on formal clothes for a special occasion
I dressed up for a date.
începe să înveți
klaskać; to hit your hands together, often repeatedly, especially in order to show that you enjoyed a performance
The crowd clapped and cheered for more.
începe să înveți
ugryźć; to cut something using your teeth
He was bitten by a dog.
începe să înveți
kopnąć; to hit or move something or someone with your foot
The boys were kicking a ball back and forth.
începe să înveți
kiwać głową; to move your head up and down as a way of agreeing, to give someone a sign, or to point to something
They nodded enthusiastically at the proposal.
începe să înveți
wskazać; to show that something probably exists, is happening, or is true
All the evidence points to suicide.
începe să înveți
wąchać; to notice something by using your nose
I think I can smell something burning.
începe să înveți
uśmiechać się; to make a happy or friendly expression in which the corners of your mouth curve up
She smiled at me.
începe să înveți
wpatrywać się, gapić się; to look at someone or something for a long time and not move your eyes
Sean was staring at me.
începe să înveți
smakować, próbować; to put food or drink in your mouth to find out what its flavour is like
I always taste food while I'm cooking it.
începe să înveți
rzucać; to make something move through the air by pushing it out of your hand
Amy threw the ball to the dog.
începe să înveți
dotykać; to put your hand on something
You can look at them but please don't touch them.
începe să înveți
gwizdać; to make a sound by breathing air out through a small hole made with your lips or through a whistle
Someone whistled at her as she walked past.

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