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My school has over 600 pupils. începe să înveți
uczeń; a person, especially a child at school, who is being taught Moja szkoła ma ponad 600 uczniów.
I dropped out of university after the first semester. începe să înveți
porzucić szkołę; to not do something that you were going to do, or to stop doing something before you have completely finished Rzuciłam studia po pierwszym semestrze.
expel somebody from (place) The student was expelled from school. începe să înveți
wyrzucić kogoś z (miejsce); to force someone to leave a school, organization, or country Uczeń został wydalony ze szkoły.
I'm co-founder and senior columnist at Worldchanging.com. începe să înveți
współzałożyć; to start an organization together with someone else Jestem współzałożycielem i starszym felietonistą w Worldchanging.com.
If something is monochromatic, it only has a single color. începe să înveți
monochromatyczny (monitor); using only black, white, and grey, or using only one colour Jeśli coś jest monochromatyczne, posiada tylko jeden kolor.
The new directive treats healthcare as a piece of commercially tradeable goods. începe să înveți
komercyjnie; in a way that is related to making money W nowej dyrektywie traktuje się opiekę zdrowotną jako jeden z towarów handlowych.
The minister paid tribute to the president. începe să înveți
hołd; something that you say, write, or give that shows your respect and admiration for someone, especially on a formal occasion Minister złożył hołd prezydentowi.
He could just make out her silhouette in the dusk. începe să înveți
sylwetka; a dark shape seen against a light surface On mógł rozpoznać jedynie jej sylwetkę w półmroku.
They incorporated a few of my ideas. începe să înveți
włączać, wcielić; to include something as part of something larger Oni wcielili parę moich pomysłów.
This is a worldwide event. începe să înveți
na całym świecie; existing or happening in all parts of the world To jest wydarzenie na światową skalę.
We need to find a babysitter for her. începe să înveți
opiekunka do dziecka; someone who takes care of your baby or child while you are out, usually by coming to your home, especially someone you pay to do this Musimy znaleźć dla niej opiekunkę.
I am afraid our car has been damaged. începe să înveți
zniszczyć; to harm or spoil something Obawiam się że nasz samochód został uszkodzony.
His request for the use of a bullet-proof car had been denied by the Pakistani authorities. începe să înveți
kuloodporny; able to prevent bullets from going through Władze Pakistanu odmówiły przydzielenia mu kuloodpornego samochodu.
I'm hosting a big party tonight. începe să înveți
być gospodarzem; to provide the space and other things necessary for a special event Będę dziś gospodarzem dużego przyjęcia.
His early release from prison caused our surprise. începe să înveți
wypuszczać kogoś lub coś; to give freedom or free movement to someone or something Jego wczesne uwolnienie z więzienia spowodowało nasze zdziwienie.
The company was named after its founder. începe să înveți
założyciel; someone who establishes an organization Firmę nazwano imieniem jej założyciela.
The bar has been shut down because it wasn't bringing any revenue. începe să înveți
zamykać coś; If a business or a large piece of equipment shuts down or someone shuts it down, it stops operating Bar został zamknięty, bo nie przynosił żadnych dochodów.
Try not to wake up my flatmate. începe să înveți
współlokator; a person who you share a room with for a period of time Postaraj się nie obudzić mojego współlokatora.
There were no pedestrians in the street. începe să înveți
pieszy; a person who is walking, especially in an area where vehicles go Na ulicy nie było pieszych
A cyclist struck a pedestrian at the zebra crossing. începe să înveți
przejście dla pieszych; a special place in a road where traffic must stop to allow people to walk across Rowerzysta potrącił pieszego na przejściu dla pieszych.
Perhaps I'm just being a very selfish old man. începe să înveți
egoistyczny; caring only about what you want or need without any thought for the needs or wishes of other people Może po prostu jestem samolubnym starym człowiekiem.
My parents bought it for me when I went to boarding school. începe să înveți
szkoła z internatem; a school where students live and study Moi rodzice kupili ją dla mnie kiedy poszłam do szkoły z internatem.
The couple took a loan to buy a house. începe să înveți
pożyczka; an amount of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually together with an extra amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing Para wzięła kredyt na zakup domu.
here's the nearest cash machine? începe să înveți
bankomat; a machine, usually in a wall outside a bank, from which you can take money out of your bank account using a special card Gdzie jest najbliższy bankomat?
I store my photos on the memory stick. începe să înveți
karta pamięci; a brand name for a small piece of equipment that you connect to a computer or other piece of electronic equipment to copy and store information Przechowuję swoje zdjęcia na karcie pamięci.
The referee stops the match and awards the player a red card. începe să înveți
sędzia; a person who is in charge of a sports game and who makes certain that the rules are followed Sędzia przerywa mecz i daje graczowi czerwoną kartkę.
The term cycle lane means a roadway designated for cyclists. începe să înveți
droga rowerowa; a part of a road that is separated by a line from the rest of the road, for the use of people riding bicycles Termin ścieżki rowerowe oznacza jezdni przeznaczonych dla rowerzystów.
Where's the nearest taxi rank? începe să înveți
postój taksówek; a place where taxis wait for customers Gdzie jest najbliższy postój taksówek?
He did not have a driver's license, but he had a scooter. începe să înveți
hulajnoga, skuter; a vehicle similar to a child's scooter but with an electric motor attached, used by adults and children On nie miał jeszcze prawa jazdy, ale miał skuter.