Most common adjectives 1 - 53

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Întrebare English Răspuns English
începe să înveți
not existing before; not old
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marvellous, fantastic; of quality considerably above average
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not like something else; not same
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this particular thing and nothing else; solely
începe să înveți
concerning the people as a whole
începe să înveți
easy to understand; transparent
începe să înveți
hard to do; not easy
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Adjective basics

In order to learn the 1000 adjectives of this course, you first need to know some basic things about English adjectives. The adjective meaning is a word that describes other words (e.g. friendly, beautiful, nasty). English adjectives modify nouns stating their color, quantity or kind. Also, English adjectives can modify pronouns: I like the big one. In this case, "big" is the adjective that modifies the pronoun "one". The English adjectives have 3 different degrees: positive, comparative and superlative. A positive adjective is a normal adjective that describes a noun without comparing it to something else: a bad boy. A comparative adjective is used to compare two things: Irine is taller than Hanna. A superlative adjective indicates that a thing out of three or more things is the most: I am the best player in the team. This course includes 1000 adjectives that are most common in English! Continue reading and you'll discover why are these 1000 adjectives important to know!

Types of adjectives

Now that you know the adjective meaning, you have to know that there are several types of adjectives in English. The descriptive adjective is the one used to describe: hungry, pretty, etc. The demonstrative adjective (this, that, these, those) describes which pronoun or noun you are referring to. The quantitative adjective describes the quantity (many, a lot, etc.). The interrogative adjective helps to ask questions: what, whose, which. The possessive adjectives show what belongs to whom: his, her, etc. A distributive adjective is used to describe a specific member or more specific members out of a group: neither, either, every, etc. The 1000 adjectives of this course include different types of adjectives. Learning these 1000 adjectives is very important, they will help you describe things and participate in conversations. You can download the flashcards of these 1000 adjectives in order to learn on the go. The mp3 file that includes the 1000 adjectives of this course can be listened anywhere and at any time of the day. This lesson of the course of 1000 adjectives also includes the English pronunciation and pictures for you to easily remember these common adjectives. Learn these 1000 adjectives with VocApp to remember them forever!

Common adjectives examples

The list of common adjectives included in this course will teach you all the popular adjectives you need to know! Here are some examples from the list of adjectives of this course:
  • 1. old - something which has existed for a long time; not new
  • 2. national - concerning a particular country; common to a whole nation
  • 3. little - small in size; small amount of
  • 4. real - actually existing in reality; not fictional
  • 5. public - concerning the people as a whole
Master these 1000 adjectives and proceed to other interesting courses! Our linguists prepared many English lessons dedicated to verbs and nouns! Continue with the Most common nouns 1 - 50 and 50 Common Verbs in English lessons to enrich your English vocabulary!

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